How to pronounce spreadsheet

You know these words that in your head they sound like one thing, But when they come out of your mouth they sound… Well… Different? So Spreadsheet. To stop making awkward/funny (depends on who you’re talking to) mistakes: [x_video_embed type=”16:9″ no_container=”true”][/x_video_embed]

How to use on, in and at when talking about places

Do you get the prepositions ON, IN and AT confused when you talk about places? Is so, this video is for you! Instead of remembering the rules, here is a super helpful way to think about it that’ll help you to always get it right.

How to remember when to use ON, IN and AT correctly (part 1)

Do you get the prepositions ON, IN and AT confused when trying to schedule a meeting or when you tell a story? Is so, this video is for you! Instead of remembering the rules, here is a super helpful way to think about it that’ll help you to always get it right.

Recipe vs. Receipt

Have you ever gotten the words RECIPE and RECEIPT confused because of the spelling?Or have you ever mispronounced them? Because they sure don’t sound like the way they’re spelled. If you’re not really sure…well… Maybe this video is for you. Watch: How to pronounce Recipe and Receipt: [x_video_embed type=”16:9″ no_container=”true”][/x_video_embed]